Gluten-Free 101

Gluten-Free Candy

Gluten-Free Cosmetics

Gluten-Free Fast Food

What is Gluten?

Deciphering The Mystery & Meaning Of Gluten

Going gluten-free changed my life for the better.

Hey there, I’m Maureen, and I have Celiac Disease. August 2005 was the last time I ate gluten (well, knowingly at least). Unknowingly is another story that SO does not have a happy ending.

When I say that going gluten-free changed my life, I’m not exaggerating! I’d love to share my gluten-free story with you.

Are Tic Tacs Gluten-Free? Breathe Freely!

Are Tic Tacs Gluten-Free? Breathe Freely!

Are Tic Tacs gluten-free? Yes – according to Ferrero U.S.A. website, Tic Tac mints are gluten-free. Did you go a little heavy on the garlic? Pop one (or several) of these 1 ½ calorie breath mints to freshen your breath. There’s the traditional Evergreen Mint and...

Safe & Gentle Gluten-Free Baby Shampoo for Your Infant

Safe & Gentle Gluten-Free Baby Shampoo for Your Infant

“Babies are such a nice way to start people.” – Don Herold I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2005 and my daughter was diagnosed in 2012 when she was 10 years old. Gluten in food? No way…we’re both hyper-vigilant in maintaining a 100% gluten-free diet. However, it...

Desperately Seeking Wendy’s Gluten-Free Menu Options!

Does Wendy’s have gluten-free menu options? Yes. But you won’t find it on the Wendy’s website. Despite Wendy’s restaurant being very allergen-friendly (we have one near us and that’s one of my go-to fast food places), the Wendy’s website is seriously deficient in...

Doughnut Survival Guide: Krispy Kreme Gluten-Free?

Doughnut Survival Guide: Krispy Kreme Gluten-Free?

Oh how I miss a good gluten-filled doughnut. Sometimes when my gluten-eating husband picks up off-limit doughnuts, I like to open the box and smell them. As I typed that previous sentence, I realize how weird and creepy that sounds. And on top of weird and creepy, now...

Burger King Gluten-Free Menu: Microscopic at Best

Burger King Gluten-Free Menu: Microscopic at Best

WHAT’S ON THE BURGER KING GLUTEN-FREE MENU? Gluten-free fast food is hella tough to find! There is not a separate “Burger King Gluten-Free” menu listed on their website or in their restaurants. So, what does Burger King offer for the gluten-free population? Read on...